Guide to Studying Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan


I've lived in Taiwan for over 5 years and love discovering all it has to offer. I made this blog to share Taiwan living and travel resources I wish I'd had.

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Category: Move to Taiwan

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This guide will help you get started with studying Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan. Keep reading to learn more.

I studied Mandarin Chinese at the National Taiwan University (NTNU) for a while. I want to share my experience and help you start studying Mandarin.

Once you finish reading, you’ll know the following:

Answering Important Questions

Do You Need to Know Mandarin to Survive?No
Best City to Learn Mandarin?Taipei City
Is it Safe to Study in Taiwan Right Now?Yes
Is Mandarin Hard to Learn?Hard to learn, easier to master

Other Useful Guides for Students Moving to Taiwan

Why Should I Study Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan?

Study Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan to immerse yourself in a Mandarin-speaking environment and to pay affordable rates for classes and living.

Why not just go to China at that point?

That’s up to you.

I never studied Mandarin in China. I can’t tell you anything based on experience.

Both countries are super safe (crime-wise). And staying in the main cities will give you plenty of English support.

I chose to study in Taiwan because I fell in love with the country after visiting. Despite China’s pros, I didn’t feel the same passion.

To help you make your decision, I have created a list of the pros and cons of living (or studying) in Taiwan.

Considering that more people are likely using Simplisimplifiedse characters, it seems China thatd be the best choice. Based on my experience, many (if not most) Taiwanese language centers will also teach Simplified Characters.

So long as that’s the reason you want to learn Mandarin.

How Much Does it Cost to Study Mandarin in Taiwan?

As of 2024, an intensive class would cost NT$39,600 per semester (3 months) [1]. That’s for 6 – 9 students. Regular classes with the same number of students would cost NT$29,100.

Classes with 13 – 29 students would cost NT$21,600 for a regular class. And NT$28,800 for intense.

I gathered all these prices from the National Taiwan University’s (NTNU) pricing table. It’s a good benchmark to help you determine class pricing in Taiwan. As it’s a popular language center.

The Huayu Enrichment and MOFA Scholarships could allow you to attend Regular classes for free. So long as you’re receiving stipends.

Let’s check out your options.

Scholarships & Grants for Mandarin Students

Here are grants to try for when studying Mandarin in Taiwan:

ScholarshipStipendRequirementMax. Duration
MOFA Taiwan ScholarshipNT$28,000/mo.Live in a country that diplomatically recognizes TW1 year
Huayu Enrichment ScholarshipNT$25,000/mo.Language studies9 –12 months
Scholarships for studying Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan


  • MOFA provides separate stipends for their degree programs and Mandarin Language Enrichment Program (LEP), AKA studying Mandarin.

In general, you’ll need to meet these requirements:

  • High school graduate
  • “Great academic record:” cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
  • Non-Taiwanese
  • * Have not had a scholarship suspended

* For instance, if you had the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship and the government canceled it, you can’t apply for other scholarships.

Here are the steps you’d take to get your scholarship:

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Those steps are for receiving the Taiwan Scholarship. However, no matter the scholarship you choose, the steps will be identical.

Choosing the Best Chinese Language Center

Here are the average costs per semester for popular language centers in Taiwan [2]:

Mandarin Learning CenterCityCost per Semester
National Taipei UniversityTaipeiNT$25,000
National Taiwan UniversityTaipeiNT$240,000
National Taiwan Normal UniversityTaipeiNT$36,000
National Chengchi UniversityTaipeiNT$33,000
National Central UniversityZhongliNT$23,000 – 28,000
National Chiao Tung UniversityHsinchuNT$51,200
Chinese Culture UniversityTaipeiNT$24,500
Fu Jen Catholic UniversityNew Taipei CityNT$28,000 
Ming Chuan UniversityTaipeiNT$28,000 
Chung Hua UniversityHsinchuNT$27,000 
Lunghwa UniversityTaoyuanNT$38,000
Nanya Institute of TechnologyTaoyuanNot available
Shih Chien UniversityTaipeiNT$28,500 
National Taiwan Ocean UniversityKeelungNT$30,000 
Shih Hsin UniversityTaipeiNT$30,000 
Vanung UniversityTaoyuanNT$53,000 
Tunghai UniversityTaichungNT$36,000 
Feng Chia UniversityTaichungNT$38,400 
Taichung UniversityTaichungNT$25,200 
Chung Hsing UniversityTaichungNT$24,000 
National Changhua University of EducationChanghuaNT$27,000 
National University of KaohsiungKaohsiungUnknown
Cheng Kung UniversityTainanNT$32,000 
Southern Taiwan University of TechnologyTainanNT$44,800 
Wenzao University of LanguagesKaohsiungNT$28,050
National Pingtung UniversityPingtungNT$37,800 
Kun Shan UniversityTainanNT$40,000 
Nanhua UniversityChiayiNT$24,000

Language learning centers in Taiwan.

Many of the websites provided by the Taiwanese government were broken. I pulled pricing information from the Web Archive. Thus, the pricing will likely significantly differ from what I have above.

Securing Your Student Visa

Here are the steps you’ll need to take to apply at a language center in Taiwan:

  1. Pick your learning center
  2. Submit your application online
  3. Receive admission letter (if accepted)

Upon receiving the admission letter, you’ll need to jump into applying for your student visa. I recommend applying as early as possible.

How to Get a Taiwan Student Visa

Gather all the following requirements for Taiwanese student visas:

2 Passport-Sized Photos (45 x 45 mm)Must take these photos with a white background and within 6 months
Proof of Financial AbilityBank statement or screenshot of bank account
* Plan for studying Mandarin ChineseExplain your motivation and plan for learning the language
Admission Letter from Language CenterProof the language center accepted you into their program
PassportOriginal and a photocopy of the bio-page
† Printed ApplicationSelf-explanatory
Original and 1 Copy of Health CertificateDone in Taiwan or in your home country
Original and 1 Copy of Highest Education Diploma + TranscriptsMust be in English or Chinese
Police Criminal Record CertificateThis will vary by where you come from, but it shows you have a clean record

Taiwan student visa requirements.


  • * You must write this document in Chinese (traditional or simplified) or English.
  • † Visit to fill out your application.
  • Regarding the health certificate:
  • As for the bank statement, you must show them you have enough funds to support yourself for 6 months or the duration of the scholarship.

Here is my experience from getting the health certificate.

I was in Taiwan when I first received the scholarship, so I did the test here because it would have cost me a fortune in the US. As for the hospital, I chose Mackay Memorial Hospital in Taipei.

Most of the staff who were showing people around didn’t know English, but once I showed her the paper I linked, she showed me where to go.

The health test took around 10 – 20 minutes because I didn’t need to wait behind anyone. From there, they told me to wait “X” weeks to come back and pick up the documents.

Regarding the application itself.

The application will require information like:

  • Your full name
  • Passport number
  • Sex
  • Nationality
  • Birthdate

Under ‘Purpose of Travel,’ choose ‘Studying Chinese.’

My Mandarin Journey: Highs, Lows, & Lessons Learned

I studied at the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) Mandarin Learning Center and received the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship.

Signing up for the student visa and registering for the classes didn’t take long. It was the excitement to start my lessons that were my biggest obstacle.

I had to wait a few months for the classes to start, and my 90-day visa exemption was about to expire. I flew from Taiwan (where I received the scholarship) back to the U.S. and worked for a bit to save up some money.

Once I returned to Taiwan, I had to get my:

The chop is a stamp with your name that you’ll use for official documents. You can get these custom-made at any locksmith in Taiwan for around NT$50. I was stupid and didn’t research the price beforehand. I spent NT$500 on a fancy one.

After finishing all this stuff, I had a couple of weeks to explore.

Money was a bit tight since I couldn’t work. However, I saved up a decent amount of money while I was in the States.

Once this time passed, it was time for orientation. They just walked about classes, schedules, etc. And gave everyone an opportunity to buy books. You’ll pay NT$300 – NT$1,200 for all the books you need [3].

These prices may have changed since I went to NTNU.

And these books will depend on the course the center suggests. They put me into the beginner’s course. I got the first series of books (textbook, workbook, and character book.

A bit later in the month, classes began. We used school-provided EasyCards to clock into the class.

The first couple of classes focused on giving people Chinese names.

From thereon, classes focused on the following:

  • Class activities: get into groups and engage in scenarios
  • Parroting lists of words
  • Quizzes
  • Tests: I don’t remember the frequency
  • Follow along with scenarios in workbooks

In beginning courses, the teacher (at least my teacher) will use pinyin to teach you Mandarin. Not zhuyin. I guess you’ll learn zhuyin (AKA bopomofo) later.

Once my scholarship expired, I decided not to continue with the Mandarin classes. I regret it a bit. However, I’ve retained more Mandarin phrases when hanging out with friends or language exchange partners.

Speaking of the latter. Your school may offer to pair you up with a language exchange partner, do this. It’s the best way to learn and practice your Mandarin.

Also, don’t make the mistake I made. Being antisocial. 

Chill with classmates. It gives you the means to make friends and practice your Mandarin.

Working & Paying Taxes as a Student

You are legally allowed to work a maximum of 20 hours weekly (as a student) so long as you have a work permit. There are exceptions to these hourly limits with summer and winter vacations, which apparently are limitless since their documentation doesn’t specify anything.

And if you work without a permit, the government will fine you NT$30,000 – $150,000. Then they’ll kick you out of the country.

Apply for the work permit here.

You’ll also need a permit to work remotely from your home country. For instance, if I were to work for a US company while in Taiwan, I’d need a work permit.

And if you stay in Taiwan for 183 days or more per year, you will need to pay taxes as a student. I’m not an accountant and can’t help here. Refer to the National Taxation Bureau for more information.

Cost to Live in Taiwan as a Student

Here are the typical costs I had while living in Taiwan as a student:

Rent>NT$12,000 / mo.
Health InsuranceNT$1,000 2,000 TWD / semester
FoodNT$6,000 / mo.
TuitionNT$25,000 – 38,000 / semester
Public Transportation>NT$1,200 / mo.
UtilitiesNT$1,500 – 3,000
SIM CardNT$499 / mo.


  • I lived in New Taipei City
  • Public transportation will always be less than NT$1,200, because that price tag could get you an unlimited MRT pass in Taipei.
    • Living outside of Taipei may incur more costs of public transportation since those cities mostly require scooter use.
    • You’ll likely pay much less than NT$1,200 monthly for public transportation.
  • The food cost assumes that you won’t eat out all the time.
  • I paid that rent to live alone. You can pay much less when living with roommates.
  • Electricity costs will likely rise to more than NT$2,000 during the summer when you frequently run air conditioning.
  • Health insurance premiums will depend on whether you’re employed.
  • Many apartments will include internet in the rent.

Though I went to NTNU, I lived around the Yongan Market Station in Zhonghe District, New Taipei City, which is much cheaper than living in Taiwan. Moreover, it wasn’t too far away from Guting station on the Taipei MRT’s Orange Line.

If you study in Taipei, see if you can find a place to live in New Taipei. So long as it isn’t too far away from your school.

As for food, I had to boil rice and oatmeal. I was ruthless when being frugal with food. I paid much less than NT$6,000 a month and am a bit ashamed to publish the price I paid.

Regarding SIM cards.

When first landing in Taiwan, you could start off with a prepaid Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) card. Then, buy recharge cards from Southeast Asian supermarkets for around NT$499. Five years later, I still do that.

And CHT is the only telecom that’ll let you recharge their cards. Meanwhile, they have a decent soft data cap (23 GB for me), but no calling. However, you won’t need much calling in Taiwan.

Just go to a CHT store every 6 months and add NT$100 in calling credits to prevent them from deactivating your SIM.

I don’t know what you’re into for entertainment and leisure, and I don’t know your vices. Taiwan does have plenty of free areas to visit.

I spent most of my free time at home studying, writing a novel, visiting places with my girlfriend (at the time), and watching YouTube. Thus, I can’t give a social person a good estimate of leisure costs.


What Is the Difference Between Taiwanese Mandarin and Chinese Mandarin?

The differences between Chinese and Taiwanese Mandarin lie in grammar, punctuation, and word usage. For instance, Taiwan uses Zhuyin (Bopomofo) and China uses pinyin.
